


out of


Your System.


Transcended college on a transfer to bread, Master's in one hand, my plans up my sleeve. Slithered down the slide to the AT&T

where I swindled an application, and was hired on a slope.

Toiled for a year before the Man came to say: "We don't like faggots. Get your ass out of here." Took my lover's hand; it was a day so divine. Straight men harrassed us, we had to fight for our pride.

What have I got to show? Two broken ribs and a toothless frown;

But man, I was doing time for a price they never found.

Cop snagged my buddy Jim... he's a queen you know. Beat him to an inch of his self-appointed fears; Stripped him of his assets; threw him in the closet defiled.

Poor guy won't come out anymore, a slave to city lava.

Psychoanalyst pinned me to a couch Diagnosing my unresolved Oedipal. Said, "Boy, women are the only way. Don't slight society by playing games."

I spit in his ear and slipped out the front door. Replied, 'You're the one who needs a solution. Shit, passing in lies for a neuterless score.' Kneeled at my priest's feet pleading,

'I'm not a sinner. He smiled, "Take it easy. Once you see the light, you will lose this evil demon."

Curled my head and I cried. Doesn't even Jesus care?

All Father Pat could do was bless mepoor

misguided martyr.

Now I look at my brothers and sisters, an

underground phenomenon.

Leave be me, they sway.

I wish to pass.

Pass what? I ask. An ace of clubs for a queen of diamonds?

A loyal oath for a loaf of head?

Sigh, the struggle persists; with or without...

I look at all of you as you see each other,

One last breath before I go undercover.

What of the pursuit and our schemes?

The changes we had all once foreseen?

My subconscious echos softly, 'Lilt from this time Only deaf ears seem to thrive in seventy-five.' He is right of course, but that doesn't mean

I must live a farce,

For all humanoids must carry their banners, And mine just may be a surplus of jabber.

HIGH GEAR May, 1975 Page 2

-John Nosek

HIGH GEAR newspaper is a publication of the Gay Educational & Awareness Resouces (GEAR) Foundation, of Cleveland, Ohio. It is distributed free of charge in any establishment and with any organization, that will permit distribution. We are a non-profit publication, and all proceeds not used to pay the printing costs and service fees are set aside for the use of the GEAR Foundation's Community Center.

The prescence of the name or picture or other representation of an organization, place of business, or person(s) in HIGH GEAR is not necessarily indicative of the sexual orientation of such organizations, businesses, or persons, and may not be used as evidence of the sexual orientation of any contributors.

We welcome all contributions of written materials, art work, or photography, by members of the gay community. All materials submitted for publication are subject to editorialization, unless directed to the FORUM column. We cannot guarantee the return of any materials submitted for publication, whether used by HIGH GEAR, or not, unless it is accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Anyone interested in working on the staff of HIGH GEAR, should inquire by calling, 6315330, or writing to HIGH GEAR STAFF, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101.

Businesses or organizations wishing to advertise in HIGH GEAR, may obtain advertising rate sheets and other information by calling 631-5330, or writing to Advertising, HIGH GEAR, P.O. Box 6177, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101.

The deadline for HIGH GEAR publication dates is as follows:

Advertising by the 20th of eve every month, camera-ready and composition ads.

Written material by the 25th of every month.

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